I want to help people understand themselves a little bit better, to stop being so critical and judgmental of themselves, and to help them understand why they are going through some of the difficult things in their lives.
Echo BodineThere're a lot of old religious beliefs that keep us stuck. Because we're afraid of the answers, a lot of us just don't ask the questions of God.
Echo BodineOne of the voices that we struggle with inside is the voice of religion. Religion teaches us some very strict things about God and our relationship with God. Some religions teach us that we aren't worthy of having a personal relationship with God.
Echo BodineWe need to be able to set all of the voices aside, and then go to the still, small voice and say, "Show me the truth of this situation."
Echo BodineWe think we have to prove our allegiance to God by being poor. Many years ago, my own psychic development teacher taught me that to be on a spiritual path meant that you needed to be poor, because that was proving your allegiance to God. So growing up with that kind of teaching from her was a real struggle for me, also.
Echo Bodine