In the consciousness of eternity, time is not, neither is space. In man's consciousness there appears so much mercy, so much love, that these have been called time and space.
Edgar CayceTips for a long life - Keep Sweet, Keep Friendly, Keep Loving, if ye would... keep Y O U N G
Edgar CayceFor, as has been indicated from the innate experience as well as from the longings within, a home - home - with all its deeper, inner meanings, is a portion of the entity's desire; to know, to experience, to have the "feel" of, to have the surroundings of that implied by the word home! Is it any wonder then that in all of thy meditation, Ohm-O-h-m-mmmmm has ever been, is ever a portion of that which raises self to the highest influence and the highest vibrations throughout its whole being that may be experienced by the entity?
Edgar Cayce