To continue to condemn only brings condemnation, then, for self. This does not mean that self's activity should be passive, but rather being constant in prayer-knowing and taking, knowing and understanding that he that is faithful is not given a burden beyond that he is able to bear . . .
Edgar CayceFor until ye become as a savior, as a help to some soul that has lost hope, lost its way, ye do not fully comprehend the god within, the god without.
Edgar CayceKnow that all healing forces are within, not without! The applications from without are merely to create within a coordinating mental and spiritual force.
Edgar CayceThere may be different channels of approach, yes. For not all peoples walked in the field when the wheat was ripe. Neither did all stand at the tomb when Lazarus was called forth. Neither were they all present when He walked on the water, nor when He fed the five thousand, nor when He hung on the Cross. Yet each experience answered, and does answer to something within each individual soul-entity. For each soul is a corpuscle in the body of God.
Edgar Cayce