Work a great deal at evening effects, lamplight, candlelight, etc. The intriguing thing is not to show the source of the light but the effect of the lighting.
Edgar DegasA picture is first of all a product of the artist's imagination, it must never be a copy.
Edgar DegasC'est vrai. Voilรก quelqu'un qui sent comme moi. (It is true. There is someone who feels as I do).
Edgar DegasMy art, what do you want to say about it? Do you think you can explain the merits of a picture to those who do not see them? . . . I can find the best and clearest words to explain my meaning, and I have spoken to the most intelligent people about art, and they have not understood; but among people who understand, words are not necessary, you say humph, he, ha and everything has been said.
Edgar Degas