Art is magic, not logic. This craze for the logical spirit in irrational shape is part of the present harmful mania for uniformity.
Edith SitwellI may say that I think greed about poetry is the only permissible greed - it is, indeed, unavoidable.
Edith SitwellIf certain critics and poetasters had their way, 'Ordinary Piety' and its child, Dullness, would be the masters of poetry.
Edith Sitwellit is as unseeing to ask what is the use of poetry as it would be to ask what is the use of religion.
Edith SitwellIsn't it curious how one has only to open a book of verse to realise immediately that it was written by a very fine poet, or else that it was written by someone who is not a poet at all. In the case of the former, the lines, the images, though they are inherent in each other, leap up and give one this shock of delight. In the case of the latter, they lie flat on the page, never having lived.
Edith Sitwell