The value of books is proportionate to what may be called their plasticity -- their quality of being all things to all men, of being diversely moulded by the impact of fresh forms of thought.
Edith WhartonEverything about her was warm and soft and scented; even the stains of her grief became her as raindrops do the beaten rose.
Edith Wharton..but it seemed to him that the tie between husband and wife, if breakable in prosperity, should be indissoluble in misfortune.
Edith WhartonAnd all the while, I suppose," he thought, "real people were living somewhere, and real things happening to them.
Edith WhartonTrue originality consists not in a new manner but in a new vision. That new, that personal, vision is attained only by looking long enough at the object represented to make it the writer's own; and the mind which would bring this secret gem to fruition must be able to nourish it with an accumulated wealth of knowledge and experience.
Edith Wharton