Water and oil, simply considered, are capable of giving some pleasure to the taste. Water, when simple, is insipid, inodorous, colorless, and smooth; it is found, when not cold, to be a great resolver of spasms, and lubricator of the fibres; this power it probably owes to its smoothness.
Edmund BurkeA disposition to preserve, and an ability to improve, taken together, would be my standard of a statesman.
Edmund BurkeAmong precautions against ambition, it may not be amiss to take precautions against our own. I must fairly say, I dread our own power and our own ambition: I dread our being too much dreaded.
Edmund BurkeI thought ten thousand swords must have leaped from their scabbards to avenge even a look that threatened her with insult. But the age of chivalry is gone.
Edmund BurkeFlattery is no more than what raises in a man's mind an idea of a preference which he has not.
Edmund Burke