Water and oil, simply considered, are capable of giving some pleasure to the taste. Water, when simple, is insipid, inodorous, colorless, and smooth; it is found, when not cold, to be a great resolver of spasms, and lubricator of the fibres; this power it probably owes to its smoothness.
Edmund BurkeIt is a general popular error to suppose the loudest complainers for the public to be the most anxious for its welfare.
Edmund BurkeDespots govern by terror. They know that he who fears God fears nothing else; and therefore they eradicate from the mind, through their Voltaire, their Helvetius, and the rest of that infamous gang, that only sort of fear which generates true courage.
Edmund BurkeWhenever a separation is made between liberty and justice, neither, in my opinion, is safe.
Edmund BurkeWhen a great man has some one object in view to be achieved in a given time, it may be absolutely necessary for him to walk out of all the common roads.
Edmund BurkePolitics and the pulpit are terms that have little agreement. No sound ought to be heard in the church but the healing voice of Christian charity. The cause of civil liberty and civil government gains as little as that of religion by this confusion of duties. Those who quit their proper character to assume what does not belong to them are, for the greater part, ignorant both of the character they leave and of the character they assume.
Edmund Burke