Whither away, Bluebird, Whither away? The blast is chill, yet in the upper sky Thou still canst find the color of thy wing, The hue of May. Warbler, why speed, thy southern flight? ah, why, Thou, too, whose song first told us of the Spring? Whither away?
Edmund Clarence StedmanGenius does not need a special language; it uses newly whatever tongue it finds.
Edmund Clarence StedmanFashion is a potency in art, making it hard to judge between the temporary and the lasting.
Edmund Clarence StedmanNatural emotion is the soul of poetry, as melody is of music; the same faults are engendered by over-study of either art; there is a lack of sincerity, of irresistible impulse in both the poet and the, composer.
Edmund Clarence Stedman