They [the English] have a special word, "civil," for what is elsewhere merely ordinary politeness.
Edmund WilsonThe most immoral and disgraceful and dangerous thing that anybody can do in the arts is knowingly to feed back to the public its own ignorance and cheap tastes.
Edmund WilsonI find more and more that I am a man of the 1920s. I still expect something exciting. Drinks, animated conversation, gaiety: the uninhibited exchange of ideas.
Edmund WilsonIt is certainly very hard to write about sex in English without making it unattractive.
Edmund WilsonOn the one hand, I have wanted to supply documentation on myself by including material relevant to my emotions and ideas in my youth; and, on the other, not to let myself down by publishing inferior material. My poetry comes under the latter head. My only advice to the reader is to skip any verse that he sees coming.
Edmund Wilson