...photography can lie as convincingly as literature or painting. The angle, the selected content, the assumed context.
Edmundo DesnoesPhotographs are detonators. They explode in us. We are the gaze as well as the gazed-at. The observer and the observed.
Edmundo DesnoesThe Latin American photographer has the possibility, and the means, for naming the things of our world, for demonstrating that there is another kind of beauty, that the faces of the First World are not the only ones. These Indian, black, plundered white and mestizo faces are the first element defining the demographic content of our photography.
Edmundo DesnoesThe richness of our contemporary visual world must be seen as a danger. It is an overwhelming and oppressive world. A world that manifests itself fundamentally through the image is only a few steps from totalitarian manipulation.
Edmundo Desnoes