The ideal view for daily writing, hour for hour, is the blank brick wall of a cold-storage warehouse. Failing this, a stretch of sky will do, cloudless if possible.
Edna FerberOpinion! If every one had so little tact as to give their true opinion when it was asked this would be a miserable world.
Edna FerberI think that in order to write really well and convincingly, one must be somewhat poisoned by emotion.
Edna FerberI sat staring up at a shelf in my workroom from which thirty-one books identically dressed in neat dark green leather stared back at me with a sort of cold hostility like children who resent their parents. Don't stare at us like that! they said. Don't blame us if we didn't turn out to be the perfection you expected. We didn't ask to be brought into the world.
Edna Ferber