The sectaries of a persecuted religion, depressed by fear, animated with resentment, and perhaps heated by enthusiasm, are seldom in a proper temper of mind calmly to investigate, or candidly to appreciate, the motives of their enemies, which often escape the impartial and discerning view even of those who are placed at a secure distance from the flames of persecution.
Edward GibbonDoes there exist a single instance of a saint asserting that he himself possessed the gift of miracles?
Edward GibbonImam Hussain's sacrifice is for all groups and communities, an example of the path of rightousness.
Edward GibbonIt has been sagaciously conjectured, that the artful legislator indulged the stubborn prejudices of his countrymen.
Edward GibbonThe spectator and historian of [Belisarius's] exploits has observed, that amidst the perils of war, he was daring without rashness, prudent without fear, slow or rapid according to the exigencies of the moment; that in the deepest distress he was animated by real or apparent hope, but that he was modest and humble in the most prosperous fortune.
Edward Gibbon