Suicidal thinking, if serious, can be a kind of death scare, comparable to suffering a heart attack or undergoing a cancer operation. One survives such a phase both warier and chastened. When-ten years ago-I emerged from a bad dip into suicidal speculation, I felt utterly exhausted and yet quite fearless of ordinary dangers, vastly afraid of myself but much less scared of extraneous eventualities.
Edward HoaglandMen greet each other with a sock on the arm, women with a hug, and the hug wears better in the long run.
Edward HoaglandIndeed, if "biology is chemistry with history," as somebody has said, then nature writing is biology with love.
Edward HoaglandTrue solitude is a din of birdsong, seething leaves, whirling colors, or a clamor of tracks in the snow.
Edward HoaglandIn order to really enjoy a dog, one doesn't merely try to train him to be semi-human. The point of it is to open oneself to the possibility of becoming partly a dog.
Edward Hoagland