It is true that Bible prayers in word and print are short, but the praying men of the Bible were with God through many a sweet and holy wrestling hour. They won by few words but long waiting.
Edward McKendree BoundsMen would pray better if they lived better. They would get more from God if they lived more obedient and well-pleasing to God.
Edward McKendree BoundsWe can never expect to grow in the likeness of our Lord unless we follow His example and give more time to communion with the Father. A revival of real praying would produce a spiritual revolution.
Edward McKendree BoundsThe most important lesson we can learn is how to pray. Prayers do not die, prayers live before God, and God's heart is set on them.
Edward McKendree BoundsPraying that does not result in right thinking and right living is a farce. We have missed the whole office of prayer if it fails to purge our character and correct conduct. We have failed entirely to understand the virtue of prayer, if it does not bring about the revolutionizing of life. In the very nature of tings, we must either quit praying or quit our bad conduct.
Edward McKendree Bounds