We can't simply scare people into giving up their rights, on the basis, oh, this protects us from terrorism.
Edward SnowdenI've been recognized every now and then. It's always in computer stores. It's something like brain associations, because I'll be in the grocery store and nobody will recognize me. Even in my glasses, looking exactly like my picture, nobody will recognize me. But I could be totally clean-shaven, hat on, looking nothing like myself in a computer store, and they're like, "Snowden?!"
Edward SnowdenThere are programs such as the NSA paying RSA $10 million to use an insecure encryption standard by default in their products. That's making us more vulnerable not just to the snooping of our domestic agencies, but also foreign agencies.
Edward SnowdenCandidates run for election on campaign promises, but once they're elected they renege on those promises, which happened with President [Barack] Obama on Guantรกnamo, the surveillance programs and investigating the crimes of the Bush administration. These were very serious campaign promises that were not fulfilled.
Edward Snowden