You can't come up against the world's most powerful intelligence agencies and not accept the risk. If they want to get you, over time they will.
Edward Snowden[Brazil] went to the UN and said, "We need new standards for this." We need to take a look at what they're calling "data sovereignty."
Edward SnowdenUS administration does not want me to return. People forget how I ended up in Russia. They waited until I departed Hong Kong to cancel my passport in order to trap me in Russia, because it's the most effective attack they have against me, given the political climate in the United States.
Edward SnowdenI know that fundamentally, changes to the fabric of the internet, and sort of our methods of communication, can enforce our rights.
Edward SnowdenCandidates run for election on campaign promises, but once they're elected they renege on those promises, which happened with President [Barack] Obama on Guantรกnamo, the surveillance programs and investigating the crimes of the Bush administration. These were very serious campaign promises that were not fulfilled.
Edward Snowden