. . . how man evolved with such an incredible reservoir of talent and such fantastic diversity isn't completely understood . . . he knows so little and has nothing to measure himself against.
Edward T. HallEach organism, no matter how simple or complex, has around it a sacred bubble of space, a bit of mobile territoriality which only a few other organisms are allowed to penetrate and then only for short periods of time.
Edward T. HallI may be able to spot arrowheads on the desert but a refrigerator is a jungle in which I am easily lost.
Edward T. HallEach culture has its own characteristic manner of locomotion, sitting, standing, reclining, and gesturing.
Edward T. HallThe future for us is the foreseeable future. The South Asian, however, feels that it is perfectly realistic to think of a 'long time' in terms of thousands of years.
Edward T. HallWhen Western people train the mind, the focus is generally on the left hemisphere of the cortex, which is the portion of the brainthat is concerned with words and numbers. We enhance the logical, bounded, linear functions of the mind. In the East, exercises of this sort are for the purpose of getting in tune with the unconscious--to get rid of boundaries, not to create them.
Edward T. Hall