Now one does not think during creative work: any more than one thinks when driving a car. One has a background of years โ learning โ unlearningโ success โ failure โ dreaming โ thinking โ experience โ back it goes โ farther back than one's ancestors: all this, โ then the moment of creation, the focussing of all into the moment. So I can make โ "without thought" โ fifteen carefully-considered negatives one every fifteen minutes, โ given material with as many possibilities.
Edward WestonI find myself every so often looking at my ground glass as though the unrecorded image might escape me!
Edward WestonAnything that excites me for any reason, I will photograph; not searching for unusual subject matter, but making the commonplace unusual.
Edward WestonTo see the Thing itself is essential: the quintessence revealed direct without the fog of impressionism... This then: to photograph a rock, have it look like a rock, but be more than a rock. Significant presentation - not interpretation.
Edward WestonIn common with other artists the photographer wants his finished print to convey to others his own response to his subject. In the fulfillment of this aim, his greatest asset is the directness of the process he employs. But this advantage can only be retained if he simplifies his equipment and technic to the minimum necessary, and keeps his approach from from all formula, art-dogma, rules and taboos. Only then can he be free to put his photographic sight to use in discovering and revealing the nature of the world he lives in.
Edward Weston