Labor, with its coarse raiment and its bare right arm, has gone forth in the earth, achieving the truest conquests and rearing the most durable monuments. It has opened the domain of matter and the empire of the mind. The wild beast has fled before it, and the wilderness has fallen back.... its triumphal march is the progress of civilization.
Edwin Hubbel ChapinDeath, is not an end, but a transition crisis. All the forms of decay are but masks of regeneration--the secret alembics of vitality.
Edwin Hubbel ChapinIt is the penalty of fame that a man must ever keep rising. "Get a reputation, and then go to bed," is the absurdest of all maxims. "Keep up a reputation or go to bed, "would be nearer the truth.
Edwin Hubbel ChapinDo not judge men by mere appearances; for the light laughter that bubbles on the lip often mantles over the depths of sadness, and the serious look may be the sober veil that covers a divine peace and joy.
Edwin Hubbel ChapinHill and valley, seas and constellations, are but stereotypes of divine ideas appealing to and answered by the living soul of man.
Edwin Hubbel ChapinGod's beneficence streams out from the morning sun, and his love looks down upon us from the starry eyes of midnight. It is his solicitude that wraps us in the air, and the pressure of his hand, so to speak, that keeps our pulses beating. O! it is a great thing to realize that the Divine Power is always working; that nature, in every valve and every artery, is full of the presence of God.
Edwin Hubbel Chapin