Break up the institution of the family, deny the inviolability of its relations, and in a little while there would not be any humanity.
Edwin Hubbel ChapinHumanity is so constituted that the basest criminal represents you and me, as well as the most glorious saint that walks on high. We are reflected in all other men; all other men are embodied in us.
Edwin Hubbel ChapinCan you conceive of anything that so represents the glory, and truth, and marvelousness of God's nature as the idea of peace?
Edwin Hubbel ChapinA thousand wheels of labor are turned by dear affections, and kept in motion by self-sacrificing endurance; and the crowds that pour forth in the morning and return at night are daily procession of love and duty.
Edwin Hubbel ChapinHow often a new affection makes a new man! The sordid, cowering soul turns heroic. The frivolous girl becomes the steadfast martyr of patience and ministration, transfigured by deathless love. The career of bounding impulses turns into an anthem of sacred deeds.
Edwin Hubbel ChapinWe must die alone. To the very verge of the stream our friends may accompany us; they may bend over us, they may cling to us there; but that one long wave from the sea of eternity washes up to the lips, sweeps us from the shore, and we go forth alone! In that untried and utter solitude, then, what can there be for us but the pulsation of that assurance, "I am not alone, because the Father is with me!
Edwin Hubbel Chapin