A thousand wheels of labor are turned by dear affections, and kept in motion by self-sacrificing endurance; and the crowds that pour forth in the morning and return at night are daily procession of love and duty.
Edwin Hubbel ChapinLife, whether in this world or any other, is the sum of our attainment, our experience, our character. The conditions are secondary. In what other world shall we be more surely than we are here?
Edwin Hubbel ChapinSeeking Heaven through righteousness is not seeking righteousness, but something else;--it is not loving goodness for goodness' sake, but for its rewards.
Edwin Hubbel ChapinAn aged Christian, with the snow of time upon his head, may remind us that those points of earth are whitest which are nearest to heaven.
Edwin Hubbel ChapinWhatever touches the nerves of motive, whatever shifts man's moral position, is mightier than steam, or calorie, or lightening.
Edwin Hubbel ChapinGod's beneficence streams out from the morning sun, and his love looks down upon us from the starry eyes of midnight. It is his solicitude that wraps us in the air, and the pressure of his hand, so to speak, that keeps our pulses beating. O! it is a great thing to realize that the Divine Power is always working; that nature, in every valve and every artery, is full of the presence of God.
Edwin Hubbel Chapin