Patriotism! It is used to define so many diversities, to justify so many wrongs, to compass so many ends, that its life is killed out; it becomes a dead word in the vocabulary-a blank counter, to be moved to any part of the game; and that flag which, streaming from the mast-head of our ship of state, striped with martyr-blood, and glistening with the stars of lofty promise, should always indicate our worldwide mission, and the glorious destinies that we carry forward, is bandied about in every selfish skirmish, and held up as the symbol of every political privateer.
Edwin Hubbel ChapinThe creed of a true saint is to make the best of life, and to make the most of it.
Edwin Hubbel ChapinNot only is music a beautiful and sublime science, the study of which ennobles and purifies the mind of its votary, but how many and excellent are its ministries to others!
Edwin Hubbel ChapinThe loss of fortune to a true man is but the trumpet challenge to renewed exertion, not the thunder stroke of destruction.
Edwin Hubbel ChapinWe only attain the true idea of marriage when we consider it as a spiritual union--a union of immortal affections, of undying faculties, of an imperishable destiny.
Edwin Hubbel Chapin