We like the fine extravagance of that philosopher who declared that no man was as rich as all men ought to be.
Edwin Percy WhippleThe contemplation of beauty in nature, in art, in literature, in human character, diffuses through our being a soothing and subtle joy, by which the heart's anxious and aching cares are softly smiled away.
Edwin Percy WhippleIn activity we must find our joy as well as glory; and labor, like everything else that is good, is its own reward.
Edwin Percy WhippleThe great characteristic of men of active genius is a sublime self-confidence, springing not from self-conceit, but from an intense identification of the man with his object, which lifts him altogether above the fear of danger and death, which gives to his enterprise a character of insanity to the common eye, and which communicates an almost superhuman audacity to his will.
Edwin Percy Whipple