Better a thousand times even a swiftly fading, ephemeral moment of life than the epoch-long unconsciousness of the stone.
Edwin Way TealeNature is shy and noncommittal in a crowd. To learn her secrets, visit her alone or with a single friend, at most. Everything evades you, everything hides, even your thoughts escape you, when you walk in a crowd.
Edwin Way TealeTo those whom the tree, the birds, the wildflowers represent only "locked-up dollars" have never known or really seen these things.
Edwin Way TealeThe seasons, like greater tides, ebb and flow across the continents. Spring advances up the United States at the average rate of about fifteen miles a day. It ascends mountainsides at the rate of about a hundred feet a day. It sweeps ahead like a flood of water, racing down the long valleys, creeping up hillsides in a rising tide. Most of us, like the man who lives on the bank of a river and watches the stream flow by, see only one phase of the movement of spring. Each year the season advances toward us out of the south, sweeps around us, goes flooding away to the north.
Edwin Way Teale