It is not races but individuals that are noble and courageous or ignoble and craven or considerate or persistent or philosophical or reasonable. The race gets credit when the percentage of noble individuals is high.
Edwin Way TealeThe difference between utility and utility plus beauty is the difference between telephone wires and the spider web.
Edwin Way TealeHow many beautiful trees gave their lives that today's scandal should, without delay, reach a million readers.
Edwin Way TealeThe long fight to save wild beauty represents democracy at its best. It requires citizens to practice the hardest of virtues--self-restraint. Why cannot I take as many trout as I want from a stream? Why cannot I bring home from the woods a rare wildflower? Because if I do, everybody in this democracy should be able to do the same. My act will be multiplied endlessly. To provide protection for wildlife and wild beauty, everyone has to deny himself proportionately. Special privilege and conservation are ever at odds.
Edwin Way Teale