Women are so strangely constructed that they have in them darkness as well as light, though it be but a little curtain hung across the sun. And love is the hand that takes the curtain down, a stronger hand than fear, which hung it up. For all the ill that is in us comes from fear, and all the good from love.
Eleanor FarjeonAnd he loved her, both for her fault and her redemption of it, more than he had ever thought that he could love her; for he had believed that in their kiss love had reached its uttermost. But love has no uttermost, as the stars have no number and the sea no rest.
Eleanor FarjeonNo love-story has ever been told twice. I never heard any tale of lovers that did not seem to me as new as the world on its first morning.
Eleanor FarjeonCats sleep Anywhere, Any table, Any chair, Top of piano, Window-ledge, In the middle, On the edge.
Eleanor FarjeonOf what use to destroy the children of evil? It is evil itself we must destroy at the roots.
Eleanor FarjeonWomen are so strangely constructed that they have in them darkness as well as light, though it be but a little curtain hung across the sun. And love is the hand that takes the curtain down, a stronger hand than fear, which hung it up. For all the ill that is in us comes from fear, and all the good from love.
Eleanor Farjeon