To appear to be on the inside and know more than others about what is going on is a great temptation for most people. It is a rare person who is willing to seem to know less than he does ... Somehow, people seem to feel that it is belittling to their importance not to know more than other people.
Eleanor RooseveltYou wouldn't worry so much about what others think of you if you realized how seldom they do.
Eleanor RooseveltA number of people still think of the United States as being overwhelmingly English, Protestant, and white. This erroneous idea influences their whole outlook.
Eleanor RooseveltAfter the discovery in 1918 of love letters revealing that Franklin was involved with Lucy Mercer: The bottom dropped out of my own particular world, I faced myself, my surroundings, my world, honestly for the first time.
Eleanor RooseveltThe battle for the individual rights of women is one of long standing and none of us should countenance anything which undermines it.
Eleanor RooseveltA successful life for a man or for a woman seems to me to lie in the knowledge that one has developed to the limit the capacities with which one was endowed; that one has contributed something constructive to family and friends and to a home community; that one has brought happiness wherever it was possible; that one has earned one's way in the world, has kept some friends, and need not be ashamed to face oneself honestly.
Eleanor Roosevelt