Physiologically adult humans are not meant to spend an additional 10 years in a school system; their brains map that onto "I have been assigned low tribal status". And so, of course, they plot rebellion - accuse the existing tribal overlords of corruption plot, perhaps to split off their own little tribe in the savanna, not realizing that this is impossible in the Modern World.
Eliezer YudkowskyThere's something in science like the shine of the Patronus Charm, driving back all sorts of darkness and madness.
Eliezer Yudkowsky- With respect, Professor McGonagall, I'm not quite sure you understand what I'm trying to do here. - With respect, Mr. Potter, I'm quite sure I don't. Unless - this is a guess, mind - you're trying to take over the world? - No! I mean yes - well, NO! - I think i should perhaps be alarmed that you have trouble answering the question.
Eliezer YudkowskyThere were mysterious questions, but a mysterious answer was a contradiction in terms.
Eliezer Yudkowsky