["I Don't Feel at Home in This World Anymore" ] really jumped off the page. And there were so many specific notes within the context of the script. Music cues, for instance.
Elijah WoodIt's always nice when you get a chance to actually work with the other actor. It just brings the scene to life, in a way that's not as easy to replicate on your own.
Elijah Wood[Sundance is] giving people a chance - many first-time filmmakers. It carries that weight - if you bring something here, people connect with it and it can launch a career.
Elijah WoodThere's a version of Tony [from "I Don't Feel at Home in This World Anymore"] that I think could be heightened. Trying to find the balance. A lot of that comes from "Who is he?" I think we've all kind of met that dude. The comic book enthusiast, or someone who gets too excited about things, but his own enthusiasm tends to alienate him. I relate to it because I've seen that guy.
Elijah Wood