Photographs are believed more than words; thus they can be used persuasively to show people who have never taken the trouble to look what is there.
Eliot PorterThe more you photograph, the more you realize what can and what can't be photographed. You just have to keep doing it.
Eliot PorterPhotography is a strong tool, a propaganda device, and a weapon for the defense of the environment...and therefore for the fostering of a healthy human race and even very likely for its survival.
Eliot PorterEvery photograph that is made whether by one who considers himself a professional, or by the tourist who points his snapshot camera and pushes a button, is a response to the exterior world, to something perceived outside himself by the person who operates the camera.
Eliot PorterI don't think it's necessary to put your feelings about photography in words. I've read things that photographers have written for exhibitions and so forth about their subjective feelings about photography and mostly I think it's disturbing. I think they're fooling themselves very often. They're just talking, they're not saying anything.
Eliot Porter