Coffee is not as necessary to ministers of the reformed faith as to Catholic priests. The latter are not allowed to marry, and coffee is said to induce chastity.
Elisabeth Charlotte d'OrleansOne who no longer wishes to laugh had best marry in France; they will soon find that it is no laughing matter.
Elisabeth Charlotte d'Orleanssince piety has become the fashion at Court, dramatic authors imagine that their pieces would be more welcome if they added in a little devotion. At first their plan succeeded, but now no one can bear their comedies.
Elisabeth Charlotte d'OrleansI fancy that England is not the only place where married folks disagree, and where there are bad husbands. If one does not care to meet with such cases, one must quit this world. Those wishing to enter the marriage state had better not come to me for advice, for I disapprove of it altogether.
Elisabeth Charlotte d'Orleans