Our Euripides the human, With his droppings of warm tears, and his touchings of things common Till they rose to meet the spheres.
Elizabeth Barrett BrowningIf we tried To sink the past beneath our feet, be sure The future would not stand.
Elizabeth Barrett BrowningI would confide to you perhaps my secret profession of faith - which is ... which is ... that let us say and do what we please and can ... there is a natural inferiority of mind in women - of the intellect ... not by any means, of the moral nature - and that the history of Art and of genius testifies to this fact openly.
Elizabeth Barrett BrowningThe charm, one might say the genius, of memory is that it is choosy, chancy and temperamental; it rejects the edifying cathedral and indelibly photographs the small boy outside, chewing a hunk of melon in the dust.
Elizabeth Barrett Browning