Fantasy is toxic: the private cruelty and the world war both have their start in the heated brain.
Elizabeth Bowen...though one can be callous in Ireland one cannot be wholly opaque or material. An unearthly disturbance works in the spirit; reason can never reconcile one to life; nothing allays the wants one cannot explain.
Elizabeth BowenGhosts, we hope, may be always with us - that is, never too far out of the reach of fancy. On the whole, it would seem they adapt themselves well, perhaps better than we do, to changing world conditions - they enlarge their domain, shift their hold on our nerves, and, dispossessed of one habitat, set up house in another. The universal battiness of our century looks like providing them with a propitious climate.
Elizabeth BowenGhosts seem harder to please than we are; it is as though they haunted for hauntingโs sake -- much as we relive, brood, and smoulder over our pasts.
Elizabeth Bowen