... women learned one important lesson--namely, that it is impossible for the best of men to understand women's feelings or the humiliation of their position. When they asked us to be silent on our question during the War, and labor for the emancipation of the slave, we did so, and gave five years to his emancipation and enfranchisement.... I was convinced, at the time, that it was the true policy. I am now equally sure that it was a blunder.
Elizabeth Cady StantonI want to say one word to the men who are present. I fear you think the 'new woman' is going to wipe you off the planet, but be not afraid. All who have mothers, sisters, wives or sweethearts will be very well looked after.
Elizabeth Cady StantonWhat will we and our daughters suffer if these degraded black men are allowed to have the rights that would make them even worse than our Saxon fathers?
Elizabeth Cady StantonWhatever the theories may be of woman's dependence on man, in the supreme moments of her life he can not bear her burdens.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton