For being able to use language was a critical skill that could carry one far. One could use it professionally, as a crafter of everything from political speeches to modern novels. One could use it personally, as a tool of discovery or a means of staying connected to others. One could use it as an outlet that would feed the artistic spirit of the creator, which existed in everyone.
Elizabeth GeorgeCreating the characters is the most creative part of the novel except for the language itself. There I am, sitting in front of my computer in right-brain mode, typing the things that come to mind - which become the seeds of plot. It's scary, though, because I always wonder: Is it going to be there this time?
Elizabeth GeorgeWhen we promote the well-being of others God has placed in our lives our service glorifies God.
Elizabeth GeorgeGod has plans for you and His plans are for good because God Himself is good. He can neither think nor do evil.
Elizabeth GeorgeYour choices and decisions are a reflection of how well you’ve set and followed your priorities.
Elizabeth GeorgeWith the help of the Lord, you can handle life's challenges and heartaches, even the valley of the shadow of death. What comfort your fainting heart has, knowing that in those stumbling times of discouragement and despair, of depletion and seeming defeat, the Shepherd will find you...restore and "fix" you...and follow you...until you are well on your way.
Elizabeth GeorgeIt's one thing to have a goal, but it's quite another thing to actually accept the challenge, develop a strategy to press for the goal, make the sacrifices, pay the price to move forward, and blessing of blessing, to realize some part of it.
Elizabeth GeorgeEverything in our lives," she said quietly, "leads to everything else in our lives. So a moment in the present has a reference point, both in the past and in the future. I want you to know that you--as you are right now and as you ever will be--are fully enough for this moment . . .
Elizabeth GeorgeThe Pacific Northwest, and particularly Whidbey Island, is extremely suited to be a location in a novel.
Elizabeth GeorgeI myself have suffered periodically from hearing voices at night when I'm trying to sleep.
Elizabeth GeorgeBut if you don't understand that story is character and not just idea, you will not be able to breathe life into even the most intriguing flash of inspiration.
Elizabeth GeorgeWhen we don't understand and don't agree with the way life has gone, we are to bow before God and once again confess that we can't understand His wisdom. In faith, we are to accept His wisdom, His Word, and His workings, trusting in Him and obeying His commands.
Elizabeth GeorgeIt takes a lot of grace and maturity to simply forgive, but a lot of healing takes place when you do.
Elizabeth GeorgeOne of the greatest advantages of singleness is the potential for greater focus on Christ and accomplishing work for Him.
Elizabeth GeorgeAnd now, dear Lord, I acknowledge afresh that You are the God of all peace, my Jehovah-Shalom. My job is to receive. you give me Your peace. My job is to take it. You lead me to Your still waters. My role is to follow. You extend Your hand. My role is to take hold. My I enjoy Your presence and the tranquility of the still waters where You pour out your promise of peace. Amen.
Elizabeth GeorgeShe thought about how it was so simple with animals. They gave their hearts without question or fear. They had no expectations. They were so easy to love. If people could only be like that, no one would ever be hurt, she thought. No one would ever need to learn how to forgive.
Elizabeth GeorgeIt's easy to talk about how much you love God, but loving others reveals how much you truly do.
Elizabeth GeorgeIf your home is a ministry, shouldn't that ministry become a passion? Shouldn't your feelings and emotions be involved when it comes to the people and place you love? And shouldn't your work be done passionately? Your labors should be labors of love!
Elizabeth GeorgeGod begins molding a mother after His own heart on the inside-in the inner woman and her heart-and then works outward.
Elizabeth GeorgeNo matter what you do each day...or in life...doing things God's way is a matter of the heart.
Elizabeth GeorgeLittle choices determine habit; Habit carves and molds character. Which makes the big decisions.
Elizabeth GeorgeA powerful truth is that if we love the Lord, love His Word, love His people, and love one another, we won't want to gossip.
Elizabeth GeorgeI attempt to write a good novel. Whether it is literature or not is something that will be decided by the ages, not by me and not by a pack of critics around the globe.
Elizabeth GeorgeI have to know the killer, the victim and the motive when I begin. Then I start to create the characters and see how the novel takes shape based on what these people are like.
Elizabeth GeorgeReplace worry with prayer. Make the decision to pray whenever you catch yourself worrying.
Elizabeth GeorgeBe critical of but not brutal with your writing. If something isn't essential, get rid of it. Remember that good dialogue can serve a whole passel of purposes in your novel, and to overlook one of them is to overlook one of the tools of the craft. Like hitting a nail with a screwdriver, if you know what I mean.
Elizabeth George