There is small disproportion betwixt a fool who useth not wit because he hath it not and him that useth it not when it should avail him.
Elizabeth II do not so much rejoice that God hath made me to be a Queen, as to be a Queen over so thankful a people. Therefore I have cause to wish nothing more than to content the subject and that is a duty which I owe. Neither do I desire to live longer days than I may see your prosperity and that is my only desire.
Elizabeth IThere is an Italian proverb which saith, From my enemy let me defend myself; but from a pretensed friend Lord deliver me
Elizabeth IThere will never Queen sit in my seat with more zeal to my country, care to my subjects and that will sooner with willingness venture her life for your good and safety than myself. For it is my desire to live nor reign no longer than my life and reign shall be for your good. And though you have had, and may have, many princes more mighty and wise sitting in this seat, yet you never had nor shall have, any that will be more careful and loving.
Elizabeth I