television. It has changed the way that we perceive the world out there, and though we know that - have indeed been bombarded with analyses on the consequences for society, for the family, and for individual psychology - I don't believe that we have yet begun to appreciate the reach of its subliminal effects, of what we might call 'the slow viruses.' They not only get into our ways of seeing, they pervade the ways in which we weave our perceptions together into patterns that support and explain our thinking and our doing and both direct and hinder various kinds of relationships.
Elizabeth JanewayThe maxims for success laid out by the powerful are never much good as guides for those who aren't powerful.
Elizabeth JanewayMyth, legend, and ritual ... function to maintain a status quo. That makes them singularly bad in coping with change, indeed counterproductive, for change is the enemy of myth.
Elizabeth Janewaya problem that presents itself as a dilemma carries an unfortunate prescription: to argue instead of act.
Elizabeth Janeway