And so for me there is no sting of death, And so the grave has lost its victory. It is but crossing-with abated breath And white, set face-a little strip of sea To find the loved ones waiting on the shore, More beautiful, more precious than before.
Ella Wheeler WilcoxYou are your own devil, you are your own God, You fashioned the paths that your footsteps have trod, And no one can save you from error or sin, Until you shall hark to the Spirit within.
Ella Wheeler WilcoxUse all your hidden forces. Do not miss The purpose of this life, and do not wait For circumstance to mould or change your fate.
Ella Wheeler WilcoxThere is no thing we cannot overcome Say not thy evil instinct is inherited, Or that some trait inborn makes thy whole life forlorn, And calls down punishment that is not merited.
Ella Wheeler Wilcox