Give her not greatness. For great souls must stand Alone and lonely in this little world: Cleft rocks that show the great Creator's hand, Thither by earthquakes hurled.
Ella Wheeler WilcoxThe sin and the shame and the sorrow, The crime and the want and the woe That are born there in your workshop, No hand can paint, you know.
Ella Wheeler WilcoxWhatever is a cruel wrong, Whatever is unjust, The honest years that speed along Will trample in the dust.
Ella Wheeler WilcoxWiped the cold dew-drops from his cheek And sought the mourner's side again. "Once more, dear lady, I must speak: Your last remaining son was slain Just at the closing of the fight; Twas he who sent me here to-night." "God knows," the man said afterward, "The fight itself was not so hard."
Ella Wheeler Wilcox