Lightness, jesting, and joking, can only be indulged at the expense of barrenness of soul, and the loss of the favor of God.
Ellen G. WhiteThe most important part of the daily ministration was the service performed in behalf of individuals. ... By his own hand the animal was then slain, and the blood was carried by the priest into the holy place and sprinkled before the veil, behind which was the ark containing the law that the sinner had transgressed. By this ceremony the sin was, through the blood, transferred in figure to the sanctuary
Ellen G. WhiteThose who use tobacco, tea and coffee should lay these idols aside, and put their cost into the treasury of the Lord.
Ellen G. WhiteMinisters have received their wages, and some have their minds too much on their wages. They labor for wages, and lose sight of the sacredness and importance of the work.
Ellen G. WhiteThe life of Christ was a life charged with a divine message of the love of God, and He longed intensely to impart this love to others in rich measure. Compassion beamed from His countenance, and His conduct was characterized by grace, humility, truth, and love. Every member of His church militant must manifest the same qualities, if he would join the church triumphant.
Ellen G. White