Sisters, when about their work, should not put on clothing which would make them look like images to frighten the crows from the corn. It is more gratifying to their husbands and children to see them in a becoming, well-fitting, attire, than it can be to merely visitors or strangers.
Ellen G. WhiteAs we lay hold upon the truth of God, its influence must affect us. It must elevate us. It must remove from us every imperfection.
Ellen G. WhiteIt is right to love beauty and to desire it; but God desires us to love and seek first the highest beauty, that which is imperishable. No outward adorning can compare in value or loveliness with that "meek and quiet spirit."
Ellen G. WhiteAll the food that is put into the stomach that the system cannot derive benefit from, is a burden to nature in her work.
Ellen G. White