Abstemiousness in diet and control of the passions, will preserve the intellect and give mental and moral vigor, enabling men to bring all their propensities under the control of the higher powers, and to discern between right and wrong, the sacred and the common.
Ellen G. WhiteWe are all woven together in the great web of humanity, and whatever we can do to benefit and uplift others will reflect in blessing upon ourselves.
Ellen G. WhiteTrue love is a high and holy principle, altogether different in character from that love which is awakened by impulse and which suddenly dies when severely tested.
Ellen G. WhiteGod requires you individually to come up to the point, to make an entire surrender. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
Ellen G. WhiteTalk unbelief, and you will have unbelief; but talk faith, and you will have faith. According to the seed sown will be the harvest.
Ellen G. WhiteThe bath soothes the nerves. It promotes general perspiration, quickens the circulation, overcomes obstruction in the system, and acts beneficially on the kidneys and the urinary organs. Bathing helps the bowels, stomach, and liver, giving energy and new life to each. It also promotes digestion and instead of the system being weakened, it is strengthened...and a more easy and regular flow of the blood through all the blood vessels is obtained.
Ellen G. White