. . . this rage - I have never forgotten it - contained every anger, every revolt I had ever felt in my life - the way I felt when I saw the black dog hunted, the way I felt when I watched old Uncle Henry taken away to the almshouse, the way I felt whenever I had seen people or animals hurt for the pleasure or profit of others.
Ellen GlasgowI have written chiefly because, though I have often dreaded the necessity, I have found it more painful, in the end, not to write.
Ellen GlasgowSpring, which germinated in the earth, moved also with a strange restlessness, in the hearts of... women. As the weeks passed, inextinguishable hope, which mounts with the rising sap, looked from their faces.
Ellen Glasgowyou could have forgiven my committing a sin if you hadn't feared that I had a committed a pleasure as well.
Ellen Glasgow