Act on your impulse, swallow the bottle, cut a little deeper, put the gun to your chest.
Ellen HopkinsI carry a strong anti-drug message, and it's important young people especially hear a "real" story about addiction and how it affects not only the addict but also the people who love him/her, rather than "just say no."
Ellen HopkinsStarving for a high, a place to hang out inside my own head. Starving for touch. Pain, even. A way to feel. I need to feel.
Ellen HopkinsBut hey, I'm not exactly sold on the idea that love is, in fact, real. Will it find me one day, overtake me, infiltrate my life like sunlight snakes through the cold of morning? Can love thaw me? will it ever?
Ellen HopkinsEither way, you are in charge. Jealousy works against you. It takes control away from you, hands it over to the opposition. Maintain control.
Ellen HopkinsSmoke You stand infront of me, pretending to be solid, but you are nothing more than smoke and mirors. You said you'd never leave, that you would care for us forever, but now you claim you cannot stay? That you've been called away. When you go, who will i turn to when it all crashes down? Tell me who. Then tell me, how I can believe anone again, if all your promises have been lies.
Ellen Hopkins