The wind kicks in stronger, branches clatter. Or maybe skeletons. Bones of abandonment. Ghosts that will never be.
Ellen HopkinsDisappointment Can do a couple things. It can drop you into a giant sucking sinkhole of depression, a place you have to fight to climb out of. Or it can trigger an epic mania to overcome the odds and transform failure into success. Say you swing as high as the chains will take you because you seek the thrill of flight, and on the up- kick, you lose your seat. Injury is likely. But if you worry about falling down, and never chance "up," the sky will remain forever out of reach.
Ellen Hopkinsyou fly until you crash two days two nights no sleep, no food, come down off the monster YOU CRASH REAL HARD
Ellen HopkinsSorry. But I don't need some money-grubbing preacher defining my relationship with God.
Ellen Hopkins