The smallest changes, like I stopped eating meat and I've been doing different kinds of exercise like Yoga and stuff like that, little changes have made me feel a bit more at peace I think.
Ellie GouldingI feel like my figure is a challenge because I'm quite flat chested but I've got a booty so I've got to look for the right things.
Ellie GouldingSomething funny always happens in every show in the UK and I genuinely love touring the UK because it's where I'm from. I just get a warm feeling when I'm home.
Ellie GouldingI kind of just want to get to know people and I have a genuine interest in people that listen to my music. I've just always felt like that. I think it's from the days of playing guitar to a few people and being very conversational and very intimate and I've always wanted to keep that vibe.
Ellie GouldingI never expected to get the Tom Jones treatment and it amazes me that I do. Strangely it's women who throw their underwear at me when I'm performing live. My male fans tend to be quite shy. My female fans are wild. I never know what to do with all the lingerie that lands at my feet. Maybe I should open a shop.
Ellie Goulding