You know, no one should be marginalized in society when it comes to health. And, you know, we have - as a foundation, we have tried to champion those people [sex workers, needle users, intravenous drug users, prostitutes] and be by - be by their side and say, listen, these people cannot be forgotten. If you forget about them, then the disease is never going to go away.
Elton JohnIf you write great songs with meaning and emotion, they will last for ever because songs are the key to everything.
Elton JohnFrom the start, I've always admired Eminem's thinking. That's the reason I wanted to appear on the Grammys with him when I was asked. Eminem has the balls to say what he feels and to make offensive things funny. That's very necessary today in America, with people being muzzled and irony becoming a lost art. Artists like Eminem who use their free speech to get a point across are vitally important. There just aren't many people in the world with balls that big and talent that awesome.
Elton JohnLove's like a junkie, addiction's a fact. Passion's a monkey, you can't keep off your back.
Elton JohnHe [Ryan white] spoke to me that my life was out of order. My life was a mess. I had no values anymore. And he was so stoic with his infection. He wasn't bitter. He wasn't angry. He just was a kid. He wanted to go to school and play football, drive his car. And he had no bitterness about him.
Elton John