But surely Adam cannot be excused; Her fault though great, yet he was most to blame; What weakness offered, strength might have refused, Being lord of all, the greater was the shame.
Emilia LanierOur mother Eve, who tasted of the tree, Giving to Adam what she held most dear, Was simply good, and had no power to see.
Emilia LanierNever shall my sad eyes again behold Those pleasures which my thoughts did then unfold.
Emilia LanierNot Eve, whose fault was only too much love, Which made her give this present to her dear, That what she tasted he likewise might prove, Whereby his knowledge might become more clear; He never sought her weakness to reprove With those sharp words which he of God did hear; Yet men will boast of knowledge, which he took From Eve's fair hand, as from a learned book.
Emilia Lanier