How strange! I thought, though everybody hated and despised each other, they could not avoid loving me.
Emily BronteThe night is darkening round me, The wild winds coldly blow; But a tyrant spell has bound me, And I cannot, cannot go.
Emily BronteYou know, I've had a bitter, hard life since I last heard your voice and if I've survived it's all because of you.
Emily BronteYet I was a fool to fancy for a moment that she valued Edgar Linton's attachment more than mine -- If he love with all the powers of his puny being, he couldn't love as much in eighty years, as I could in a day. And Catherine has a heart as deep as I have; the sea could be as readily contained in that horse-trough, as her whole affection be monopolized by him -- Tush! He is scarcely a degree dearer to her than her dog, or her horse -- It is not in him to be loved like me, how can she love in him what he has not?
Emily Bronte