He wanted all to lie in an ecstasy of peace; I wanted all to sparkle and dance in a glorious jubilee. I said his heaven would be only half alive; and he said mine would be drunk: I said I should fall asleep in his; and he said he could not breathe in mine.
Emily BronteThe old church tower and garden wall Are black with autumn rain And dreary winds foreboding call The darkness down again
Emily BronteA good heart will help you to a bonny face, my lad and a bad one will turn the bonniest into something worse than ugly.
Emily BronteYes, as my swift days near their goal, 'tis all that I implore: In life and death a chainless soul, with courage to endure.
Emily BronteOh, Cathy! Oh, my life! how can I bear it?" was the first sentence he uttered, in a tone that did not seek to disguise his despair. And now he stared at her so earnestly that I thought the very intensity of his gaze would bring tears into his eyes; but they burned with anguish: they did not melt.
Emily Bronte