I think it's sort of the hypothetical point where communism and fascism meet. They love tragedy, and they love surface beauty. You just watch it play out over and over in the media. It was the English edition of Glamour who were looking for stories of Iraqi war widows, but specified that they had to be attractive.
Emma ForrestI think that's the function of a lot of psychiatrists and therapists, is keeping people afloat just long enough for them to get older.
Emma ForrestWhen I was younger I loved Betty Blue, and at the moment I'm completely besotted with Angelina Jolie. But sometimes I'm unnerved by the idea of men liking her. Because I think that there is a side to every man that really wants to watch a woman fall apart.
Emma ForrestI'm in love with someone good and kind and gentle, and he's seen the darkness too, but somehow we've become each other's light.
Emma Forrest